Pre-Production: Title Change

Reason for Change

The working Title of Control was one that was being used as a rough name for our film. The simple title was one that we felt did not truly reflect the tone of our film. While centering around the theme of Control, the title being that of the film seemed lazy and easy. Something that we felt was a waste of a good creative title.

New Title

I knew from writing the script that in it's latest draft that it had to be something photography orientated and also something that reflected the story. The story has taken more of a photographic influence in which Emily's career becomes an increasingly mitigating factor within the story.

This meant that by being a factor within the story, it would make sense that finding a photographic term that had a poignant meaning within our film would make a fantastic title. I also wanted a title that was powerful, one that reflected classical cinema. Titles such as Vertigo, Double Indemnity and Casablanca.

By weighing up my material I quickly recognized the theme of control, the influence of photography, the psychological element and the presence of a ghostly character.

From this I researched photography terms and tried to find a term that reflected the other themes and areas for exploration within the film and found the title that I feel if perfect for the film.

That title is:


The definition of the term is: "the repeated exposure of a photographic plate or film to light, often producing ghost images."

The title, I feel not only incorporates the photo-graphical term but also acts as a reflection of the plot and story of the film. It provides a summary of the story within the very definition of the word, one that doesn't spoil the story but provides an interesting nod to the climactic end. A nod that many great films do.
