Pre-Production: Audience

 What is our Story?

Our story centers around the idea of 'Control'. Looking at control within relationship were our main character Emily begins to lose this with her boyfriend Dan after she suspects him of cheating on her. The story focuses greatly on control within a dysfunctional relationship, but also touches on trust, psychology and conscience.

This is why our story falls within the genre of Psychological Thriller. The Psychological aspect is around her fictitious world after killing Dan, and the Thriller aspect looks at the killing of Dan.

What Format will it be available on?

By way of format we will be looking to put our film out online, but also feature at Hazlitt Theatre in Maidstone for it's premiere. The Theatre Premiere is for us students, family and friends to watch but the main format for viewing will online through YouTube and Vimeo.


YouTube as a format source is a quick and large reaching distributer which has the potential to be available to all of whom search it. It also (like Vimeo) allows for sharing on Blogger, Social media and websites which allows are work to be seen by a large number of people, outside of the University circle.

YouTube is able to be accessed by all as a free and easy to use viewing site which makes our film easy to find and accessible to all who wish to view. It also acts as a simple link as any future sharing or providing of just a link, allows it to distributed easily.


While Vimeo is less popular than YouTube, it is also niche towards short filmmakers. This means we are able to put our film in the prime location to be compared, contrasted and critic-ed by avid filmmakers which puts us in a good position moving on with future films.

Vimeo is also easily distributed with just a link but also provides a better quality resolution allowing our film to be viewed in a better quality than YouTube which stays true to the quality and detail put into the film.

We have decided to use both Output's as we want our film to achieve the biggest audience we can. By putting it within niche audiences and large audiences we are able to compare our films with others and gauge the overall reception our film had on audiences. 

What type of audience are we looking for?

Our Primary Audience are teenagers and young adults, mainly between the ages of 18-25.

This audience is the main audience we are appealing too, the audience we feel in which our story will appeal too the most. By establishing our target audience we are able to pinpoint who this film is for primarily, meaning that our content needs to be suitable and appropriate for this audience.

Our Secondary Audience consists of our lecturers, adults and distribution companies.

This works as our further audiences. By which I mean who else may watch or the film may appeal too outside of the primary audience. Our lecturers are audience, even though the films are not tailored to their likes or dislikes, they are nonetheless audience to our film, like wise with distribution companies. Adults are also an audience that may stumble on our film or be introduced to it by was of introduction or curiosity.

Our Tertiary Audience consists of Family and Film Specialists.

Tertiary Audience are audiences even further out of the target. These consist of family members of the film's crew, friends of crew and cast or production team. Viewers and audience of the film in by way of support or further curiosity. Film Specialists are also audience as in the event of an extraordinary film being created, specialists will likely notice and have their view on the film, this includes critics if the film reached that level of fame.

Cinema Rating System

One thing we need to take into consideration is the rating of our film. To ensure our film is correctly rated avoids any potential backlash from audiences distressed or inappropriate for this type of film. The ratings of the BBFC are as follows:

U - Suitable for all (LEGO Movie, Rio, etc.)
PG - Parental Guidance (Finding Dory, Toy Story 3, etc.)
12A - Cinema release suitable for 12 years and older (Spectre, The Bourne Identity, etc.)
12 - Video release suitable for 12 years and older (Hancock, The Dark Knight, etc.)
15 - Suitable for only 15 years and older (Forrest Gump, Matrix, etc.)
18 - Suitable for adults only (Sin City, Kill Bill, etc.)
R18 - Adult works for licensed premise only.

Our film would sit within the 15 category. The themes we are exploring within our film require a mature audience however within these themes there is nothing too shocking for it to be classed within the adult only 18 bracket.

As a rated 15 film it must not include:

  • Discrimination of any sort
  • Must not promote the misuse of drugs
  • Dangerous behavior must not be heavily detailed
  • No nudity in strong sexual detail
  • Sexual activity may be portrayed but without strong detail
  • Sadistic or sexual violence/threat is forbidden
  • Violence may be strong but not dwell on the infliction of pain or injury
As long as we do not breech these criteria then the film will sit at a 15 certificate.

What has been created in the past to similar audiences?

It is important to look into short films that have been created before ours when looking into audience to see what kind of audience their film targeted and how it was received by said audience. Some examples are from previous years of our course and others are created and distributed through Vimeo and YouTube.

Below are a few of these films of research:

POILUS (2016)

