Professional Practice: Feedback and Final Draft
After sending my rough draft to the Dockyard, they were on the whole happy with the direction I was heading in. They simply asked me to change around the title slides and add in the website to the end. I was of course very happy with this feedback as it meant that they liked the direction and creative style I was going for.
Fine Cut Changes
Fine Cut Changes
- Edit the colourisation of the entire film to make sure exposure, colour, mood and saturation is all the same throughout the film.
- Refine sound levels making sure there are no spikes in the audio.
- Refine edit points making sure cuts are to the beat of the music and flow correctly.
- Change around the title slides to the Dockyard's requirements and include website.
- Add a few more shots of performers and families.
After these changes were made and the Fine Cut was complete I sent the Dockyard my updated edit. I felt this was important and professional as I was covering my own back by getting their final say to see whether they are happy. This way if they said after viewing that they didn't like it I could make the necessary changes and not just assume.
Fortunately, the Dockyard was happy with the final edit and I was safe to upload the final draft. Below is the final draft and finished product of the 'Festival of Steam and Transport' Promotional Film:
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