Digital News Production: Changes in Live

Our initial plan for our live was to film at the Game Retail store in Bluewater shopping centre. We were going to interview some customers and staff about the previous Assassins Creed game; Unity, and the new release; Syndicate.

However, this is no longer a possibility as the representative I had been speaking to at game informed me that this was no longer possible due to the the Stores million pound links with the developer Ubisoft and cannot be seen to be having an opposite view on their 'partners'. This is totally understandable but got us as a group thinking as we needed to rethink our live piece.

What we did think was that there is definitely an air of worry from the Ubisoft camp about their new game. If a group of uni students making a non profit graded piece of work was enough to cause concern for us to be shut down on our lead, it raises questions of their new games current status and the belief they have in their own game.

New Plan

What we are going to do now is include this hiccup into our live. Our presenter will explain the situation briefly then interview buyers after they have bought the game to ask their opinions and views of what they think/hope it will be like. We will get our presenter Candice to explain our situation in an informative but light-hearted way so that way can almost play a victim to the 'big bad corporations'. As informers to the consumers we feel our program reporting on this matter will be perfect for our topic and make the buyers think just what developers will do to stop negative press toward their game.

Idea for New Plan

We found that on a lot of live shows such as 'watchdogs' and 'don't get done, get Dom', they use a technique called doorstepping which is a risky but effective style of filming where they turn up unannounced. An example of which is below:

While we are unable to do this, due to our given situation but it got us thinking. We thought by playing the situation into our hands and playing the victims we could use this setback as a positive. While not confronting game on the matter we make a point to be far away and explain the situation before hand.


  1. This is effective as an update, but you have missed an opportunity here to demonstrate WHY this would work - i.e. reference other content which effectively utilises this sort of storytelling e.g Rogue Traders or Watchdog - remember we discussed this strategy in factual storytelling - research and reference and analyse your findings (citing sources) - blog too descriptive - more critical analysis needed.


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