Directions Unit: Shooting Day 2

On the second day we didn't start until 3 as I was pressed for time with my actors as some where only available from this time on-wards meaning I was pressed for time at my first location which was Bradbourne House.

This location was perfect for what I wanted and filming there went well even though we had to work quickly. The staff were incredibly helpful and we managed to get all of our shots filmed and ready. Upon the editing stage we came across a few framing errors and if  had more time and the ability to go back and shoot before the deadline then i would but sadly this is not the case so I will have to make do with what we have. However apart from this the shots did come out very well.

The second location was the at my house and was fairly quick and easy getting the shots we needed and effective lighting on the characters to create a good effect.

All in all the second day went well and we got the shots we set out to get.
