Directions Unit: Shooting Day 1
My first day of shooting consisted of being filmed at three separate locations. The first of which was at the Lockup, in which the entirety of part one would be filmed. The other locations where the Car Park and outside my home. The locations were close to each other so moving from location to location wasn't too time consuming and minimal traffic meant that we stuck to my shooting schedule.
All in all the first day went well, we were lucky with the weather as it was slightly overcast meaning any cracks or holes in the walls of the Lockup were not illuminated by sunlight meaning lighting inside the Lockup was brilliant.
Plamen was in charge of lighting and did a fantastic job, he got the sharpness of the shadows as perfect as I wanted it to be, he was also in charge of audio where he was once again in fine form providing me with brilliant sound and a hell of a lot less work to do in the editing stage.
My actors Jack, Ryan and Charlotte were also very professional. This was something I had to admit, I had concerns with, but they all pulled off their roles brilliantly.
We got all the shots I wanted and more and there were no situations on this day where we needed to rush, most of the shots were good clean work and have found their way into the rough cut.
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