Directions Unit: Workshop with Steve Finn

On Monday and Tuesday we were lucky enough to have Television Director, Steve Finn come and give us some tips of the trade. On Monday he got us to grips with silent/non dialogue films, the introduction of characters and storytelling, and how these things can be done effectively through examples. He also helped us understand that ideas come from home and the key is to use our imagination and map out the scene in our heads. This was incredibly helpful as the start of our short films are to include no dialogue which was an obstacle I was struggling to get past however I now almost have the introduction of the main character down to the finer points.

On Tuesday we worked on a more practical sense, getting a feel for directing and working within a studio. Although I did not get the opportunity to direct I listened to every word he had to say and seriously helped me with planning and what a good director does on set. I learnt that a good director is in and among the actors when rehearsing or walking around during the period to see all angles and which look best for the next shot. Also the main learning point was how to create and shoot an effective master shot which now I understand and feel that I can do.

I was also asked to be on camera whilst he demonstrated and directed his own take on our exercise which was both nerve wracking and very exciting to be able to work with a professional director. All in all these workshops so far have further encouraged my drive to go on to become a Director.
