Directions Unit: Character Selection

After much consideration of the other character types I have decided there is really only one I can choose for my up coming Directions Unit short film and that is the...


This not only seemed the obvious choice for a Martin Scorsese styled short film but also gives me a huge amount of choice to decide what this Anti-Hero is like and how he acts allowing me to include different elements of different characters throughout Scorsese's work.

Throughout Martin Scorsese's films there has been a considerable amount of violence and emphasis around crime, mainly focusing on how although the lifestyle my seem exciting it is also dangerous leading on to drugs, affairs and domestic violence. These often hard to watch scenes are raw cinema and give the audience a big shock after for the most part of the film they ask themselves, I wonder if could do what he does before quickly answering themselves with a capital NO.

My leading character, my Anti-Hero will be a mix of characters such as Henry Hill played by Ray Liotta in 'Goodfellas', Jordan Belfort played by Leonardo Di Caprio in 'The Wolf of Wall Street' and Jake Lamotta played by Robert De Niro in 'Raging Bull'.

To give you some idea currently my main character will have the fear factor of De Niro in 'Raging Bull', the criminal mind of Liotta in 'Goodfellas' and charisma of Di Caprio in 'The Wolf of Wall Street'. Also the combined drug habit of Liotta and Di Caprio and also the sense of showmanship by Di Caprio and De Niro.

A final conclusion of the main character will be made soon.
