New Directions Unit & Directing Practice

With the storytelling unit done we have now begun a Directions unit in which we will be taking the role as Director within our filming. This means we are ultimately in charge of everything and will be starting a new project.

The new project consists of a three part film in which we will be adopting the style of our favourite directors and try to encapsulate their trademark methods of filming. We have been given a week to come up with which Director we are going to choose. I have not yet chosen but I will be deciding between Quentin Tarantino and Martin Scorsese, as both of these directors are my joint favourite, however it comes down to who's style I like the most.

However today we got some practice in what being a Director is like as Alex, Wez and I made a three man team and made a short film each in one day, with roles alternating between being actor, camera man and director. We could choose a scenario each and I picked a man looking at his watch and rushing to leave as he is late.

We spent most of the day doing this fun practical exercise along with editing and assisting each other.  The final project was the following film just shy of one minute. Enjoy.
