Rough Cut of 'A Picture of a Happy Man'

There is still some work left to do until the film is ready but here is where I am so far. At the editing stage i found many things that I wish i had realised at the time of filming that i could change or reshoot the scene.

First thing was we had problems with the weather on our filming day and I should have been closing the lens flap, after each take as on a few takes i had water on the lens and ruined a few shots that I before was proud of. Another thing was to really focus on using the eyepiece rather than the screen so i can check that the shot is perfect as in a few shots the exposure was either slightly too high or too low and also a severe rookie mistake was that you could see the microphone.

As frustrated as i was with myself when editing though, I had to remember that this was my first film and there was bound to be mistakes here and there but it has helped me better my organisation and skills with the camera and making sure everything is right. I will take this as a learning curve.
